Your fingers wander over curves that have yet to form, finding place that I’ve always claimed my own
Stolen flesh you raid, pillaged, and left to ash, burning touch, you planted land mines in my head
An accidental flush of fingertips across my lips
The hidden horrors implode laid to ruin is the present
I’m sent hurdling through time back to freezing nights when you set my skin ablaze and then turned it to stone
You injected yourself into every crevice of my tiny being, your crimes have slithered inside every waking thought
That hateful flashes of fond memory are the poisons that push through my veins
A gleaming smile hides the lies of preying eyes and friendly words distract from hands which dip in unseen grime.
Your fingers painting stains on my skin with ugly swipes that I can’t wash away.
My blood is toxic, my mind hijacked, I’m imprisoned in the past.
You replace my face with a strangers mask and drained away my life.
I don’t recognise the figure in the mirror or the menacing taunts that plague my mind
I split my skin in two trying to bleed you out of me, carving away every fibre that you marked
Branding the anger onto my body so everyone knows exactly what crimes you’ve committed and tortures you have inflicted
I drug myself until I can’t remember your name, mistaking any fantasy for reality is better than lying in bed relieving every second of this nightmare.
I’ll never be able to scrape away the filth that you left on the outside
Or digest the spiders that remain within. Grey flesh is laced with cobwebs that catch the sobs I try to swallow.
I hear a distant scream. Fear slithers up my spine and hissed in my ear.
Nervous glances flash to the monster in the shadows the one with the human skin and friendly smile. Panic crashes over me like waves broken over rocks.
The stench of sweat is nauseating, his body is built over mine like a wall. The very sound of his skin as it takes over mine is enough to crave a knife through the ear.
“This isn’t happening, I am not here. Maybe if I pretend to be asleep he will leave me be”
I will happen again, each time lasting longer, with someone new, starting a little sooner, going a little further.
I recognise that the scream is trapped inside of me echoing inside the walls of my chest and rattling with my skull.
It will never end.