The Love Train BJ Parks

I am a love train
My engine is the little engine that could
It pulls along my many cars
Filled with goodness and kindness from near and far
My first car is filled with Love
Not the convenient kind but the everlasting, unconditional the kind never judged
My next car is filled with Kindness
The empathic, generous and thoughtful sanctuary where all are welcome to experience the kindness of all manKIND
My next car is filled with Grace
They say Grace is a gift we don’t deserve
My car has a Grace reserve a quality we can all learn
My next car is filled with Gratitude
This all important car ensures we have seen and understood all the blessings we deserve
My cars are filled with many things like
Wisdom, simply based on knowledge and experience
Understanding, where we seek first to understand
One of the 7 Habits I highly recommend (Stephen Covey)
I add new cars every day
If I have these things with me
I find them easier to display and give away