Super moon by Christine Kennedy

Caught the moon last night as it pushed through the cloud cover . The significance was special as it shined thru a mystical ora of light surrounded by star dust . It was peaceful, reflecting a journey of time spent in hope for peace for troubled souls . Many people have suffered greatly from covid and the world is at a stand still. The power of stillness engulfed my spirit . Too remain balanced and connected too my spiritual guide . The beauty of lifting oneself above the dominance of yesterday’s !
Setting myself free and manifesting joy of being . Setting aside all fear , and opening up a meandering desire to just let living be . And sort thru the heaviness of others , too eclipse a sense of calmness and oneness. For without reflection of selfishness one can be caught up in a cyclone of others emotional states . I shine as the moon today, capturing the light , lifting self to take flight in this new day uncovered, authentic and peaceful .