SACRED REMINDERS by Elizabeth McCain

Each of us wears a different face
But aren’t we all the same?
Drawn together by our connection to the Great Source,
Or to our Higher Self,
Known by many names, in many spiritual traditions,
The Great Mother, Brigid
The Celtic Goddess and Saint of Poetry, Healing, and Wisdom.

Spirt Guides, Angels, Beings of Light,
Jesus, the Teacher, not Savior
So many forms and signs of Divine energy.
We can call on all of them
And yet know that each form already resides in each of us.

We are sisters swimming in the Great Mystery together
Sacred reminders to one another
Of Not knowing, uncertainty,
Of both pause and wild action.
Of despair and gratitude.

We can remember our connection to one another,
Our sacred circle of sisterhood and of sibling hood.

May we take time to tend our own inner fire
And tend to one another.
In this time out of time.

And when it is time
We will emerge from this Underworld
Of grief and holy longing
And be transformed.
We will soar like the great eagle
And know that we are home.