MY ”LOVE HATING” DEMONS by Annsofi Hjärtström

My demons keep telling me
There is too much goodness
and love here
”You should leave!
It cannot be for real”
I know they are wrong
And I give them a fight
But still now and then
I push Goodness
And Love
In different ways
Olive Beach
By Beth Haist
My soul begins with HER arrival
The waves catch my eye
They always do
Reminding me of HER-where
She begins and I end
My soul is green,
Always interested in the beginnings,
The newly lit fires-
Come to the beach she says-
There will be music,
So I do
It never fails
This landscape,
Hold space for me-
Leans in
& I begin Again,
this heaviness of Bone-
I float and laugh
Drawn in-easily, gently
Weighed by the histrionics of thought-
Of self; egocentric
So ever so s l o w ly
My concentric soul
 Begins and ends
Once again
Topping off
In the dusk of the day
Under my feet
Anchored once again in song &
In the lyrics of my own