What is Love by Christine Kennedy

In the mist of the universal passageway of emotions, there is a essence of being, called love . It holds itself in our hearts , passionately . To love is to give freely and hold it dearly over all other emotional states . Its healing , over all other destructible forses such as hate, jealousy, ideology of forsed opinions or dislikes. . To sense it , and live it , is a gift of renewed joy and courage.

If we can lift oneself above the world, and not hold on too the indifference of each human heart , its struggles , its transitional existence, we can love all and be loved .

Depth , differences , color, sexuality, choice of gender , passionate love for same sex or man and women . This comes from the heart , not the conventional mind which takes on its earthly opinions in society.

So with tenderness, I forge forward with strenght to protect , forgive, and extend my heart to whom I love. An carry with it love of heart , regardless of whom disaproves , it’s my choice to love .