Visit To The Storage by Fiona Goodwin

Don’t do it.
Don’t go to the storage, ever!
All I wanted was some underpants
And my white jeans
Instead I got hit by seven years
Of boxes who tried to tell me
They were my home
They were.
No longer.
They tried to suck me in
With nostalgia, regrets and a “poor me” story
Briefly I was winded.
Sure, I got pushed out of the nest,
And now I live up a mountain
With a 360 view,
Where the night sky
Is clearer than I’ve ever seen,
The boxes were jammed so tightly
They refused to let me in.
So I still only have five pairs of underpants
And no white jeans
But I did manage to grab the only thing
That really mattered –
The battered sign
“Keep calm and carry on”
Was smiling at the entrance
And asked if I would take it home.