TRIBE by Beth Haist

Who said it best?
Who will?
I dunno.
It is a revolution of a million + 1
It is you –
It is I
It is WE.
We come and we go
In the land of heave-ho.
We fight and we lie
And rise to begin again.
Our tribe is strong and maybe
a BIT proud
We take you in
We take care of our own–
#3 Magnesium Flash
I want to eat chocolate cake
Until I stumble outside
In the glaring white light
Like coming out of a movie theatre–
Where everything is bit -too bright
This stark and mad
Carnivale comes to life-
The gravitas of me
Falls into you.
I think to myself
But god even the crumbs are rich
These days-
voyeuristic entanglement
Just far enough a way
To entice.
Continuance of the hellos
…Sheer restraint
As we are reined in-
Foaming at the Bit-
To explode all over-the-page
In this humid hot box
where even an oil-tinged gust
Would be welcome here
Yet African violets, Tall Irises bloom
And we
philodendrons proliferate
It’s a jungle out there
But here in the cool
We all are dying
To take our turn
By the flash of the flame.