Lesbian love of almost 20 years!
I met Marie when I was 37,
At a good old-fashioned suburban Virginia potluck.
No fine Southern hospitality there!
How much hummus can lesbians eat?
I was ready to give up on women
Cuz I’d had my heart broken too many times.
I went to my astrologist,
Who told me to practice the law of attraction.
She said to make a list
Of 100 qualities I wanted.
So I did and got very specific!
I wanted a very out lesbian,
Who was sexy, sporty, and soft butch.
Well traveled, fun, and smart.
More spiritual than religious.
And someone who had been through therapy.
On and on my list went.
I did a ritual with a friend,
Read my list aloud and prayed to the Goddess.
And then I let go, (sort of)
No attachment to the outcome.
And I believed that
She would arrive at the right time.
And then boom!
I had a dream about meeting this hot, redhead!
Who was kind, and Southern, with a smile
That lit up the room.
And the next weekend
I met her
At that suburban potluck!
I had manifested her!
I called her the next day,
And we had our first date
That lasted til 3am!
8 years later, we married in San Francisco’s City Hall
In 2008, before that rainbow wave
Of gay marriage.
It has not always been easy
We have had epic adventures
Buying a house
Losing my mother
And her father.
Imago couples therapy,
The madness of menopause.
And now this pandemic!
A bit too much togetherness.
I’m messy and creative and intense.
She is neat and analytical, and an engineer
Thank the Goddess for our therapist!
She is my anchor in this scary world.
I might be her kite
Taking her to the upper world.
Somehow we balance one another.
Through these storms of life.
She has stayed through my darkest days.
And I am grateful, so grateful
For that lesbian law of attraction.