Salubrious by Kristi Kirby, Waco,Texas

Pain in the center of my stomach.

A fire has been lit inside.

She knows she doesn’t have many more places to hide.

Burning anger that dwells deep in. Kept by remaining embers if fear and doubt.

The rise in inevitable!!

Persistent in being humble and kind.

This fiery cord will be pulled and released very soon.

I look on my faults of myself and others. Seeking help for strengthening and courage.

Carrying on by being blissful and give blessings along my way.

Maintaining a tender heart and staying in line with the divine.

Accompanied by light of purity and love.

Love so true and intertwined with a heart of gold.

Forward and upward we will go.

Following in the footsteps of hope.

I raise my glass to keep a salubrious state of mind!!