I was spinning out of control
Staring out of the window
Like you, forced to face myself
As the walls were closing in
This was how it started
I knew from experience
That if I was left alone
With just my thoughts, about me, for me, by me
I would go mad
I switched on the Facebook live
Sans lipstick, sans ideas, almost sans clothes
And started to talk
For five minutes!
I was so proud!
Oddly, People appeared
Solitary confinement will do that to you I guessed,
Corona live poetry was Birthed a few days later
Left Coast lesbian lunch was added,
Then as a warning:
Crying in bed with Fiona –
Because I cried at unexpected moments
The Fionians were named Sometime later
We weathered the Facebook Frauds and critics
Some faithfuls made it to Provincetown
We ate fish and ran around the town
Shouting: “Come see the very British lesbian!
I had a crew!
And in it all, The
universe had snuck up on me –
The Lone Ranger had found a kinder, better way to be.
Thank you to the Fionians!!!