MY SPIRIT IS ON A JOURNEY by Annsofi Hjärtström

I was told this morning
That my spirit is present
In a small town in Texas, USA
That is very far away
From where my body is right now

Imagine that!

I am excited for my spirit
Travelling the world
Connecting with other spirits
Out there
Beautiful souls of this Tribe

One day
The full me
Will do the same journey
I will meet some of you

It will be a different experience
From our spirits meeting
Or us meeting via a screen
Or in a chat

All parts of this magic we have
Is a separate journey
Right now my spirit is
In a small town in Texas, USA
And some other places
While the rest of me
Is in Stockholm, Sweden

That is more than good enough
For now
I am grateful for all the ways
Of connections brought to me
As long as they are authentic
Cause that is what makes
Spirits travel