JOHNS BIRTHDAY 2020 by Bren Interlandi

For the first time, in a while, I actually enjoyed grocery shopping today. My last experience was both frustrating and frenetic. After that disappointing adventure I vowed, “NEVER AGAIN!” From then on, I completed the task of ordering groceries online each week, even though the process was time consuming and required much patience, flexibility and skill.
This morning, however, as I was sorting through my recipes, I realized that I had been missing the experience of selecting my own fruits and vegetables. I especially wanted to inspect my produce this week because I was cooking dinner for John’s Birthday. Since he is currently undergoing radiation treatment, going out to a restaurant or having a party with friends was out of the question. My plan was to prepare this meal, incorporating only fresh, organic ingredients which would nourish his body and feed his soul.

It was 8:00 a.m. when I announced that I, was indeed, going grocery shopping. When I stepped inside the automatic doors I was greeted with the aroma of freshly baked sourdough bread. As I continued my stroll, I was overcome by the sweet smell of Florida grown cantaloupe even though I was wearing my butterfly mask that John gave me this year for Mother’s Day. After I picked the perfect melons, the nectarines caught my eye with their smooth, golden yellow skin and blushes of red like the sun. Next thing I knew I was sliding my mask down past my nose so I could experience this familiar reminder that summertime was indeed here. (Oh My! LWORD Alert !?)

I spent an entire day in the kitchen on Monday. The next day, I drove a car full of comfort food to John’s home in Tampa. I didn’t stay long because he was feeling weak and also expressing his anger toward his inability to control not even one thing in his life. After inhaling some sweet cannabis, however he was able to relax and enjoy the meal that I had made. He and his girlfriend Leah, could not stop telling me how much they enjoyed my delicious, down home, southern cooking.
On Wednesday, I received a call from John saying has feeling better and was hopeful again. Of course, me being a mom, believed his quick turn around was because I remembered to add that special ingredient…Love.