Dear Tribe by Bren Interlandi

An incredible healing experience began to transpire for me Friday. When I awoke Saturday Morning, I felt the most powerful force of energy welling up from within. I did not understand what was beginning to transpire, until I asked for the help of a few Tribe Members.
I want to first, say thank you to my Sisters that joined me on that magical night. They did not know why I needed them. Neither did I. They were beyond patient with me and my extreme Scatty-ness as I muddled my way through this new way of connecting with people through technology. I want to thank them for trusting me and most importantly for listening, even when I was struggling to find my words. Once I stopped talking, the answers I was looking for came from my Sisters.
We have come together as a Tribe to Heal Our Wounds. In the beginning of Corona Poetry Live, we began to lay our wounds at the feet of Fiona, through our poetry, letters and words. As members began to share their stories with Fiona and the Tribe, each one of us started to look within. We realized that we too have wounds. Some are open. Some are healing. Some have healed completely. The healing process has begun for some us. Some of us don’t even know where to begin. By sharing our stories of healing, we are showing the way for others to heal.
I am grateful for Fiona, our Beacon. Her Light has called each one of us.
Through our poems and letters we lay our wounds at her feet.
She has created a safe place for us to heal and grow together.
She has been teaching people to heal their hearts and minds throughout her life. How blessed are we to have her as our counselor, teacher, and guide. She is guiding us to our higher purpose and is here to help us understand our soul evolution.
I love way she shows us that we don’t have to be perfect. She also shows us that we may not have to the answers right now but to trust the process. I also love the she teaches us to laugh at ourselves and love ourselves.
I encourage you all to continue to write the stories of your wounds and to share your healing process with each other. I also encourage you to also draw, paint, spend time in nature and listen to music if you have not yet found the words to write on paper.
I can’t wait to share my journey with you all.
I am humbled to be surrounded by such Amazingly Powerful Women, Sisters, and Friends and I am honored to be in your presence.
Namaste, Fellow Lightworkers