Let me explain how long it took me to say those words aloud and what generations of people before me who could never, ever utter those words audibly for fear of being persecuted, jailed, beaten and even killed must have felt.
The fact that so many, too many, people endured the hell of having to live in secret, hidden, in quiet dishonesty just to live their truth and love the person they were meant to love is nothing short of horrific!
I don’t wish that on anybody!
How many people do you imagine were forced to deny who they were- their normal, their reality, in order to live in the confines of this misguided societal norm?
I’ll answer… even if just a few who survived this one short life they were given lived it this way, it’s WAY TOO MANY! Sadly, it was far more than a few. Imagine how miserable, unfulfilling and sad their hidden existence was to have to live in silence. Hidden away. Fearful. Unable to openly show affection to someone you love.
Are these things of the past, notions of outdated thinking? NO!
GAY PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN! Gay people have been integral figures in society as long as there have been people and societies.
And, the reason people are gay is exactly the same reason people are straight!
To the brave souls who were persecuted, called evil and lost their lives because they refused to deny who they were -who chose to live openly and freely, regardless-
THANK YOU for paving the way for all of us.
We owe you everything!”