A WAY OF BEING by Jen Curry

Rubbing others in the wrong way.
Gifts one gives on some days.
Curious, about how one sways?
Will you run away or still want to play?
Not knowing, opens, the door to freedom.
There’s more, than words behind Eden.
Planting seeds so sweeten, may even weaken.
Does presence, stops the heart
from needing, bleeding, beating?
Causing a reason for not retreating?
Reflecting, upon affection, connection.
Accepting rejection.
Correcting projections.
Suspending all the infections.
Replacing it with some perfection.
Please, can we have a fair election?
No need to be afraid.
Lifting up nightshades.
Life’s an impermanent parade.
Remember singularity?
You, me, we are thee.
Free to be as the sea.