A LIFE WELL LIVED by Jill Schoenemann

I get up
I wonder
Have you passed in the night?
Are you with your parents and sister now?
I don’t know
I am holding space for you now – that is all I know
As confused as you are – as your memory and concentration fade, I cry
What a year – what a long life you have had Ruth – 92 and counting
So many people’s lives touched – your childhood friends and family, some did not live through the war, your colleagues and customers at the banks you worked in, the neighbours you lived next to, the shop workers, the postmen and women, family members. Most of all, all the birds you have fed through the years, the squirrels whom helped themselves to the food and the pigeons you scared off, the frogs, the hedgehogs and any other critter whom might have wondered into your garden – all have been blessed to have known you. The care you gave to plant the snowdrops and care for the roses, daffodils and petunias. Your wild garden, a tribute to your love of life.
What is it like when you pass? I pray the journey is a safe passage as you awake into sunshine and the greatest love ever embracing you.
Bless you as you slowly exit this earth’s plane.
I will see you when I return to home.
Love you Ruth.