Working from home, a widely studied and Employee dream…
Now forced to do it along side your partner while your children scream…
Not exactly how you’d planned, thanks to COVID-19
Sure you’re saving gas and mileage on your car…
But, it’s not long before the situation pushes you too far…
With no escape to your favorite bar!
Friends and Family struggle to get by…
People fighting over 1 & 2 ply…
All you want to do is curl up and cry.
Making trips to the grocery store
As you make your way to the door
Signage says stay back 6ft or more
A lot of us have known no such fear
Not like what we’ve been hit with this year
But I’m asking you, if you must shed tears
Let them be for the reduced emissions in our air
For the animals roaming cities without a care
And for those letting their partners cut their hair
Find a way to laugh and smile
Seems we might be quarantined for a while
Especially since there are many still in denial
Take this time to cuddle your dog
Sit on the sofa like a lump on a log
Or raid your refrigerator like a ravenous hog
This virus seems to be a bit of a mystery
Not unlike those from our history
Stay strong, stay home, and our efforts will result in victory!
Filling the World with positive vibes
For all of us as humans are ONE tribe
Together we are stronger than words can describe!