I once met a kitten that piqued my interest.
Who could predict she’s become such a terrorist?
I wanted a model of rectitude.
Instead got a boatload of cute-i-tude.
Sweet and sassy, with a mom that’s classy…
Dad’s gone missing on this little lassy.
So, she and her mom and her baby boy brother,
Are all doing fine, taking care of each other.
That she’s the star of the family, no doubt…
With her hissing and dissing and prancing about…
One look at her face and my heart fills with glee…
I see many years together for her and me.
She’s butch in the streets of Laredo…
Whirling around like a tiny tornado…
Strutting her stuff throughout our town..
Femme in the sheets, snuggled way down..
She is my girl, my baby lion queen…
A source of great joy, she’s a sweet dream..
Off together we’ll go, my Phoenix and I…
As the warm day surrenders to the deep night sky.
What will tomorrow bring forth from my baby girl?
Something from her oyster – maybe a pearl…