Has it really been two years?
It doesn’t seem that long
Then again, I’ve been busy
Don’t ask me
What I’ve been doing
Maybe not the things
I’d have chosen to do
If I’d had the freedom to choose
Like, if there hadn’t been
A global pandemic
Which has been dragging on
For what seems like an eternity
But which they reckon started in December 2019
I’ve been so focused on living in the moment
That I completely lost track of time
Now the taxman has gone and ruined it
Asking me penetrating questions
About income from a time long ago
When the greatest threat
To our way of life
Was a referendum
Full disclosure:
The taxman is in fact a woman
Now let us assume
Her intentions are good
She’s a kind person
Who has given me an opportunity
To organize myself
It’s my big chance
To take control of things
That for far too long
I have studiously ignored
A day or two of reckoning
Unexpectedly I get to use muscles
Which otherwise wouldn’t get used.
I can learn from the past
Make plans for the future
What happened to living in the moment?
I would like to get back in now, please