The world stopped so suddenly
My hectic busy world, ended
No more suited up like Bette Porter, my Alpha self
No more ping pong on Mondays
Date nights on hold, illegal to have the love of my life visit me
No words can express the deep hopelessness and sadness amongst the madness
Scrolling through my fav FB groups, I see mention of a poet called Fiona
I checked in 3 times a week, a show with probably the best title EVER, and mugs ?
The love the humour the kinship, the support and friendship of what will forever be known as The Tribe
Thank you Fionians for existing, you saved my sanity, and Fiona you are a Saint in a Suit
The 2nd Anniversary is just the beginning of forever friendship of some of the best humans out there
Thanks you isn’t enough, but Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You