THE MASKS I WEAR by Bren Interlandi

During my Childhood I wore the “Everything is Perfect in Our Christian Family Home” Mask.

In my Twenties I wore the
“Let’s Marry a Man, That Should Be Fun” Mask.

In my Thirties I wore the
“I Can’t Be Gay, I am an Elementary School Teacher” Mask. However, it was during this time that I secretly practiced wearing my Rainbow Mask, around my Lover and Friends.

In my Forties, I proudly wore the “Out and Proud” Mask to my Colleagues and Family Members.

In my Fifties, I met the woman with whom I could finally be myself. We did not have to wear any masks around one another…not even to get married.

I bet you are thinking that my mask wearing days are over?
Not so.
Today, I wear a mask to cover my pain. My son, who is 32 years old, has been battling cancer for four years now, you see. This week, he learned that it is time to fight again.