WE ARE DEFENDED by Fiona Goodwin

Based on my experience of having to leave my home.

I can tell she’s coming for me
I have that feeling –
Free-floating anxiety,
Unmoored, untethered,
Blown by the wind
Will I be shipwrecked?
Or will I unfurl my sails
And steer towards a new horizon?

I should know by now
How she comes for me
My shadow
Along with the stars and the universe
She orchestrates a reckoning
A meeting of the minds
A casting of light on the blindness in my soul.
She eeks out the unnamed terror,
She points to the comfort that cages me
The unkindness that rules me
She demands to be seen and heard.
And Without this upheaval
I would bury my Demons and my power
And remain unliberated

There’s a bigger plan
Expecting the unexpected cuts both ways.
Shadow do your worst
You know best
How to prise my fingers from the so-called safety of the ledge.