Precious Gems by Maria M. Consiglio

At some point in our lives we realize yes we are all made up of precious gems in the rough, a very raw place. Created By nature,
There is a gem inside of us.
It’s called, a heart to listen to a mind that thinks, a soul that touches. A whole human being, that can be humble, own our mistakes,
And not run, abandon Mother Earth creates, just this. The precious gems, it takes her so much work indeed, yes some come out with flaws
Still she loves them, there is no abandoned there.  It’s hard work , and she never turns away.  She just keeps going in her honest way creating.
Simple to ask indeed, simple to say do not fool any one you meet, follow the example and do not throw someone away u just
Because, u don’t feel they fit. Just saying my core wasn’t raised that way.’