BEING MET by Paula Chase

To be met takes total surrender and I have moved with caution , control and contraction for most of my life . To let go …to set down my preferences … to meet nature as it is with all its glory , pain and vulnerability . This is the road I seek, not for the roller Coaster ride for the drug of stimulation no, no, to feel the pulse of Gods breath in me ,behind me , under me all around me . Limitless merging with all that is and ever was and will be.
In this emptiness this void of nothingness echoes music from a chamber that we have forgotten…disconnected…the birth into human form forgetting our true nature ! The density of physical form busy taking care of itself as programmed to do and….
then on our path, one day a soft and subtle whisper or sometimes a hard knock begins our journey to remember …

To me as I grow more quiet , listening to my own breath , observing the observer that watches the relentless chatter of my mind … it’s likes, dislikes, preferences , judgements , past and then future and then past again any place except RIGHT HERE…
The sacred moment that we frivolously throw away as if it did not carry our every breath , so common that we don’t take in the incredible beauty of its vista , unconsciously assuming we will always have another ….
but my dad died July 10, 2016 to be exact ..
no more moments
no more breath
no more brown eyes meeting my hazel
This body , this personality , this skin and bones temporary in form will flee in the wind without warning …
Clinging doesn’t help
Awareness of this does not help
But this breath, this moment
Our Essence …
glitter on the wave